Contact us

Got a question, a concern, or just want to learn more? We're all ears! At Penguin Pickup, we believe in the power of connection, and we're here to make it easy for you to get in touch with us.

Whether you're in need of assistance with deliveries, curious about our services, or simply want to chat with our friendly team, we're here and ready to help!

Simply fill out our contact form below, and a member of our dedicated team will reach out to you within the next 2-3 business days for a personalized follow-up. We promise to make your experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. After all, that's what Penguin Pickup is about – making connections and delivering smiles!

Trusted by world-class brands


Hear from our clients

We greatly value Penguin Pickup's innovative mindset, which consistently fosters forward-thinking solutions and drives collaborative efforts, making them an exceptional partner”

DHL Express Canada , Retail Sales & Strategy


Hear from our clients

Penguin Pickup is integral to our strategic operations, enabling us to maintain competitiveness in the industry while providing a beloved solution that resonates with our customers”
